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Gates and Guard Dogs: Safeguarding Your Data the Right Way

Together with some of the industry's brightest minds and strongest facilities, Host Duplex ensures that your data is as safe and rock-solid as it possibly can be.

We talked earlier about the importance of redundancy. Naturally, an equally critical concern is security, both of the data itself and the servers that host it. After all, if you choose the wrong web hosting provider, your e-commerce site might end up stored in their basement or garage.

Host Duplex spares no expense when it comes to protection. Steadfast‘s Chicago data center houses the majority of our servers in the Equinix building, renowned throughout the industry as a fortress to be reckoned with. (Just getting into the building requires a background check, for starters.) There, each server has two power supplies, each with its own feed, battery backup, and diesel generator capable of running each machine for hours. Beyond even that, Steadfast has a contract with a local fuel provider to bring in extra diesel fuel immediately should any major outage ever occur. Not to be outdone, we have our own large stock of parts stored at our facility, ready to remedy any hardware issues at a moment’s notice.

On the software side of the occasion, our automated monitoring system keeps a constant watch for exploits, vulnerabilities, and any suspicious behavior, keeping our live staff alert around the clock. Our management service, should a client choose to make use of it, also installs and configures the client’s firewalls, while at the same time optimizing server performance, running updates, and performing weekly checks across all systems. (Clients always have the option of installing and configuring their own firewalls, of course.)

Together with some of the industry’s brightest minds and strongest facilities, Host Duplex ensures that your data is as safe and rock-solid as it possibly can be.

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